Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Product Summary draft #1

Octo is an international provider of “telematics and data analytics solutions” for the vehicle insurance industry. Octo offers insurance telematics solution to insurance companies, allowing them to assess real-time driver’s behaviour by applying “proprietary algorithm to the database”. It collects analytical data for the insurance companies thereafter, provides solutions in the best interest of both the insurers and policy holders.

The product features DriveAbility Score which uses “granular telematics data” to help anticipate risk. This can be achieved by getting information about the driving pattern of the policy holders beforehand. Also, insurers will have the capability to send an evaluation to the policy holders with the aim of enhancing their safety . 

Therefore with this product, insurance companies are able to review a more accurate nature of accidents and thus letting them have a better conclusion. This will boost their credibility amongst the policy holders. Other benefits include having higher efficiency in managing the accidents and reducing the time taken for investigation. Hence, it save cost of operation while making it a smooth procedure.



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    1. Dear Hilman,

      Overall, language and paraphrasing is competent however, your summary is lacking of consistency in referencing to the source. The features are well-describe and some of it can be use as part of the evaluation. Not all of the features are written. The link below would provide a better look in the functions and features of the product.


      Fitri Danial & Si Yong
